
Waiting, eagerly glued to the device which will deliver the news. Will it be everything you’ve ever hoped for? Or will the unthinkable occur and your dreams be crushed? To say it’s nerve-wrecking would be the understatement of the year. Waiting is the worst action humans have to do. We are not programmed to sit…


Anxiety knows no age, no gender. Anxiety doesn’t care for the time of day, nor the place. It comes and goes as it pleases, making grand entrances as it does. It fills up the room, demanding the attention it deserves. And who are we to refuse it? We are left captivated in its grasp, helplessly…


Laying down. Body slumped against the soft cushion of the sofa. Breathing. In, while her body expands gradually. And out, body shrinking back into the couch. With each breathe, her body relaxes a little more, her mind calms the slightest. It’s been a long day, she thinks. But a successful one, she cheers in her small head. She…

A Love Letter

You are beautiful. You are kind. You are extraordinary. Your smile is breathtaking. You smell like the sun. It amazes me how strong you are, even when you feel like the world around you is falling apart. I envy your courage to speak your deepest fears, your darkest truth. I am in awe of your…

Letting Go

What do you do when life keeps pulling you down? Do you keep fighting? Or do you simply let go? Sometimes, it’s easier to just let go completely. But could you get back up? Especially after tasting complete defeat? Do you even want to? It feels a bit satisfying, doesn’t it? To let yourself go…

I Don’t Mind

I don’t mind telling you I suffer from anxiety. I don’t mind sharing my story with you. On the contrary, I think I should be heard. I think my story should be told. It all started a little over a year ago. I was at a very confused time in my life, much like I…

Be the Change You Wish to See in… Yourself

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi Who isn’t familiar with this world-known, empowering quote? Each one of us has crossed paths with it at least once in our life. And upon encountering it, we may sometimes find ourselves asking: “Could I do more? Something that will impact others tremendously?…

Alcohol: Friend or Foe?

You wake up with a jolt, a throbbing headache quickly settling in as you look at your phone. It’s 10:10 am. You’ve had seven hours of sleep, and regardless that the world around is spinning, you’re alive. Alive: breathing and nothing is hurting except your head. You slowly gain consciousness, remembering last night. You know you…

The Crossroads

Life is like a crossroads. When you get to it, you are momentarily frozen to the spot, unable to choose where to go next. But no road leads you to a dead end, not really. Every road you take becomes a part of you. Your breathe is the air moving in its path. Your soul…


Addiction. There’s a lot to say about it. Most are afraid to use it, as if it is a dirty word, used only to imply something bad.  Others use it daily, heedlessly interchanging between a positive and negative use of the word. Biology tells us addiction is a complex, long-lasting brain disease. A person addicted…